Join me for weekly, virtual classes.

I’ll see you on your mat!

Yoga for Strength (Virtual)

via Yoga Junction

Wednesdays, 8:15-9:15am MST

This intermediate/ advanced level class will build strength and stability with a carefully designed, guided flow sequence. After a solid warm-up, we move through a series of sun salutations followed by standing poses, core exercises, inversions, and backbends. If your goal is to take your practice to the next level or your yoga practice is a compliment to your skiing, biking, running, or hiking training, this is an ideal class for you! Expect to challenge yourself, gain confidence in your practice, and feel inspired to achieve your goals both on and off the mat.


Sunrise Flow (Virtual)

via Yoga Junction

Fridays, 6:30-7:30am MST

Sunrise Flow is an all-levels class in which each student will be met at their challenge level. This class is a combination of intention, asana, and introspection. As such, it’s a perfect class for all levels of student looking to begin their day on the mat!

Kula Happy Hour Yoga (Virtual)

Community Practice

Dates vary, 4:30-5:30pm MST

Kula means community in Sanskrit and the aim of this class is to come together (albeit virtually!) and connect. Join for a 45 minute vinyasa flow practice and stay for a 15 minute (or longer!) happy hour to catch up with friends, engage in current events, relax, and renew. Class themes and styles vary depending on what’s going on in the world! See Events for our next Kula Happy Hour date!

Suggested donation: $10 (Venmo @pollyanna-moriarty)